Infection v 2.1 - Limited Commercial - FREE
An infection solver for Houdini.
This is the free limited commercial edition and is free to use for everyone.
This is the same version that can be found on github:
For documentation please check the wiki page:
The core is a solver that works a bit similar to pyro source spread but with a open framework in dops with custom microsolvers as well as with support for standard particle forces and colliders.
If you like the product please leave a review. The product is free but if you like it I would be super happy
if you also donate
For info, help and short form gif-tutorials, please see our wiki:
There are also some small hip files with examples available for free:
Just download the files and put them in your otls folder, useally under /documents/houdini_version/otls
Release video V2.0:
Playlist on vimeo:
2023-02 17
Version 2.1
- Update to how the solver core handles force so its more stable with increased substeps
- New advanced options for the solver core that makes it easier to integrate with other solvers.
Micro solvers:
- Added Thumbs for minisolvers
- Help buttons with links to wikipage and explanatory gifs
- Option to visualize noise for microsolvers
- New algorithm for cell splitt making it more stable
- Update to Build sharp so it also has unsharp mask option
Post nodes:
- Complete rework of copy node to support animated alembics
- Complete rework of the uv node to support manually added cops and
support for dithering and more resolution in uv-distorted areas.
Other changes:
- Example hips available for download
- Rework of the cofigure nodes so that they now use the sop solver.
- Lots of bug-fixes
Version 2.0
New sop solver
Group support for all microsolves
Complete rework of visualiztion
2 new microsolvers - Cell split and Ice growth
Fast configure setups for a fast workflow
Tons of minor changes and bugfixes
Version 1.1 Overhaul of the copy and animation node and improvements to force, emit from geo and attibute copy
Updates to force, emit from geo & spread out.
New node added, attribute copy
Initial release
A Houdini infection solver. Version 2.1